How do you do natural a stop motion animation ?

 Hi random person , the most important thing about stop motion is to do it natural because if you don't do it natural it will be very hard to know what's happening in your animation , this are some very simple things you can improve to do it natural.

Movements that are uniform 

People think that when you're doing stop motion you must do uniform movements to do it fluid but that is a very big lie , when you're doing stop motion is important to do movements of many speeds because in the real life when you are running you don't go always in the same speed , sometimes you go slower or you go jumping , the best thing you can do is compare how you usually run to use it as example for your animations.

Change shape

This happens when you are doing an animation of a ball , when it bounces you have to remember to do it crushed when it's bouncing ,  it's something very strange to think but to do it simpler think in some cartoon in which they are playing with a ball , when it bounces with a surface it does not preserve the same shape , it changes to a chused shape.


This is the hardest challenge for a starter in stop motion , how to animate something flying  , but is  very simple , there are to ways to do it , the first one is to use transparents strings to give the impression that it is flying but the problem of this way is that is very hard to make an object stable when it is hanging , the other way is to use wire to hold it in the air and after finishing the animation you use an opcion in the program that you are using to cover the wire , the opcion name is usually called edit but there's another option called mask .

-If you use edit you must use a a monochrome background.


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