Starting being profesional.


 Heya guys , this article is to tell what things you need to do if you want to be a good animator with stop motion.

The first thing you need is a good stand for mobile or camera ( depending what you have ) , to know that's a good quality you have to see all the angles that you can do and if their are as minimum three different angles it's a good quality stand , another thing you have to consider is that the stand has to have a part of  rubber to not be so slippery.

Another thing is that is recommendable  to do stop motion in a place without sun  and with lights in different positions and colors as the director wants to recreate a type of light so that the passing of the day is not noticed.

Moving Vintage Light Bulbs Background Motion Video Loops ...

Other thing is to  use tape to mark where it was the main character , and if you want to do even better use tape the color of the surface.

And the last thing and more important is that a stop motion master uses 75 photos per second .


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