What is stop motion ? ( Simplified )

 Hi you random person , this is my blog about stop motion and what is better than  to start a stop motion blog with an article about what is stop motion .

Stop motion is just another way to animate something but that is 

characterized by 

of using images from fisic objects instead of drawings. The creator of stop motion was Georges Méliès 

Georges Méliès 

 Ray Harryhausen perfected  this technique.

Ray Harryhausen: Special Effects Titan review | The List
Ray Harryhausen

By the creation of clay motion  a subgenre of stop motion , and the combination of this technique with videos of real persons , a great example is the scene in ''Jasón y los argonautas'' when they fight against a little army of skeletons  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfedvthepRs.


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