Types of stop motion

 Hey'a today we'are going to talk about the four types of stop motion.


One of the most ancients types of stop motion. It consists in using wire skeletons and cover the skeletons with plastisin to do characters with articulations or simply without wires.

1You have have to think about your characters style and do a 2d design

2Then you hace tu think about the articulations and do and wire skeleton 

3You have to cover the skeleton with plastisin.Then if you want you can put little details like hair or scales


Basically you do stop motion with whatever.

The movements are uniform or irregulars depending of the possibilities of the object.Per example the lego can move his head, legs, hands and arms.


This one consists in drawing draws successively with little differences but with the same mesure.You have to do and sketch with all the mesures of the distances of the arms. hand. etc.This can be confused with ancient animation but it isn't because in ancient animation you do different scenes with many deatails and draw stop motion is simpler.But tha is a personal opinion.

With people

Well the name explains  everything.ts stop motion with people I have a type.Be pacient because if you aren't doing go-motion it's horrible.


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